Bloomington SVDP serving Monroe Co
 is a 501(c3) organization.
Thank you for donating during this Christmas season
Use Donate button or QR Code to complete.

Checks can be made out to Bloomington SVDP and mailed to

Bloomington SVDP
P.O. Box 5151
Bloomington, IN 47407

Your Financial Gift Will Be Used
to Help People In Need
 in Monroe County, Indiana

To View A Graphic of Aid We Distribute Locally in Monroe County Click Here

SVDP Home Page

Questions or Problems:  Please call 812-961-1510 Ext 0 or email:

 *The Bloomington Society of St. Vincent de Paul  operates as a unit of the
 Society of St. Vincent de Paul  Indianapolis ADCC 
a 501(c3)  non-profit organization. EIN 37-1507632
 Contributions are tax  deductible as allowed by law